Monday, May 3, 2010

People Magazine Introduces Louis Bardo, Sandra Bullock Baby

Louis Bardo, Sandra Bullock Baby, Introduced In Individuals Magazine

At just three and a half months old, and 3 months after becoming a Bullock, Sandra Bullock’s baby is being introduced to the world in tomorrow’s People Magazine. Sandra Bullock’s baby adoption is being finalized with her as a single parent, despite the fact that the baby adoption process was began years ago with her then-husband Jesse James. The process of adopting a baby can often take payday loans and numerous years, but Louis Bardo Bullock has been living with Sandra Bullock for the last 3 months.

Adoption of Sandra Bullock’s baby

When Jesse James and Sandra Bullock began the baby adoption process, they were still together. However, now that Louis Bardo Bullock has joined the Bullock family, the adoption is being finalized with Bullock as a single parent. This means Sandra Bullock’s baby could be raised by her alone. At 41 years old, Sandra Bullock has not had any children of her own. During their marriage, Sandra Bullock did help raise Jesse James’ 3 children.

Sandra Bullock’s baby adopted domestically

While international adoptions have been the focus of much attention and debate recently, Sandra Bullock baby’s adoption was carried out domestically. More than all international adoptions combined, you will find between 25,000 to 30,000 domestic adoptions each year in the United States. Louis Bardo Bullock was born in New Orleans and privately adopted. Sandra Bullock’s baby is being introduced to the wider world for the very first time with the People Magazine cover .

Sandra Bullock baby comes during divorce

The interview that introduces Sandra Bullock’s baby involved a lot more than just the baby. Sandra Bullock also opened up about the pending divorce between her and Jesse James. The scandal surrounding Jesse James involves suggestions of infidelity and questionable judgment choices. The divorce will likely take several months and payday loans no fax
, but in the end, Sandra Bullock and her baby, Louis Bardo Bullock, could be together. This story is beginning to sound like a movie script – I would not be amazed if it gets made.


People Magazine cover (via

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