Sunday, April 11, 2010

Divine Mercy Novena: A Good Friday tradition

As Easter weekend approaches, so do the ancient traditions of those who profess religious faith – and today, Good Friday, brings A Good Friday tradition: Divine Mercy Novena" href="">the Divine Mercy Novena of the Roman Catholic faith|As Easter weekend draws near, so does the venerated tradition of those who declare religious belief – and today comes the Divine Mercy Novena of the Roman Catholic faith on Good Friday|Easter weekend is just around the corner, bringing with it the ancient tradition of those who profess religious faith – and Good Friday, which is today, brings the Roman Catholic’s tradition of the Divine Mercy Novena}. For those of you unfamiliar with the meaning of “novena,” WordNet defines it as “a Roman Catholic devotion composed of prayers on nine consecutive days.” Roman Catholics believe that Jesus mandated the Divine Merc! y Novena, and he told St. Faustina that on Good Friday, the special nine days of prayer should begin. Each day, prayers are to be dedicated to a particular group of souls. According to CatholicFire, the last day is “the most difficult of all, and prayers are to be made for “the lukewarm and indifferent,” the ones who are said to have caused Jesus “more suffering than any others; it was from such souls that My soul felt probably the most revulsion in the Garden of Olives.” Bear in mind that this would’ve been long before payday loans.

What are Catholics praying for during the Divine Mercy Novena?

Jesus is reputed to have told St. Faustina, “On each day you’ll beg My Father, on the strength of My passion, for the graces for these souls.” The following is a list of the Divine Mercy Novena prayers for Roman Catholics:

  1. Good Friday – Pray for all humankind, with a particular focus on those who have sinned. This should include the souls of priests who contributed to the recent Catholic Church sex scandals, both participants and those who swept the information under the rug or did little or nothing to aid traumatized kids.
  2. Holy Saturday – ”The souls of the priests and religious” is what the Roman Catholics should pray for. Review No. 1, above.
  3. Easter Sunday – This is the day to pray for “all devout and faithful souls,” writes CatholicFire. Review No. 1; part of the Roman Catholic faith may argue that those who participated in the scandal are no longer “faithful.”
  4. Easter Monday – Pray for those who don’t know/don’t believe in Jesus.
  5. Easter Tuesday – Prayer is made on this day for “the souls of the separated brethren.”
  6. Easter Wednesday – Prayer for “the meek and humble souls and the souls of children.” This can be a very area that certain Roman Catholics need to spend extra time on; see number 1
  7. Easter Thursday – Pray for those who put in the extra effort to honor the mercy of Jesus.
  8. Easter Friday – Prayer on this day is made for the souls in purgatory.
  9. Easter Saturday – Those souls who have “become lukewarm” receive prayer honors on this final day of Divine Mercy Novena.

Roman Catholics- what about a nice Divine Mercy Novena

It may make it impossible, considering Vatican’s unfortunate stance on the recent priest sex scandals. The actions of the Vatican have justly drawn the ire of society, even when it’s unfair to blame the many parishioners for thesins of the few. If the Vatican truly believes as Jesus does that kids are the model of peaceful innocence, then they’ll take immediate action that is in the best interests of such kids. Although Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzenberger) was defended by some cardinals for protecting the Vatican’s reputation, there are still rules in place on this planet on methods to deal with those who harm kids. The first step in the direction of aiding those Jesus favored so much would be to follow the law, and it looks as though the Roman Catholic Church may be headed in that direction, although there’s still much to be done. Even if it takes a money lender or two (or three) to settle lawsuits.

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