Thursday, April 8, 2010

Boiling eggs to perfection

When you are making hard boiled eggs, how long is a question that can make or break your hard-boiled egg ventures. While the concept of making hard-boiled eggs seems simple – boil eggs, it can be more difficult. There is one question we have all asked, though. ”Hard boiled eggs, how long should you boil”? The answer can be very simple – about 15 – 20 minutes. Getting your eggs cooked without a green ring can be done more quickly than getting payday loans.

Why the yolks of hard boiled eggs get those green rings

Boiling eggs makes it too easy to overcook them – which changes the color and flavor of the hard boiled eggs. Hard boiled eggs turn green when the sulfur in the eggs is acted upon. Sulfur is a chemical that occurs naturally in eggs, but when you’re boiling eggs there is a greater possibility it’ll come out. When boiling eggs, the sulfur is revealed and the flavor, texture and color of the hard boiled eggs are all affected. The yolk gets that green ring around it. The white gets rubbery and the yolk itself is dry and crumbly.

How for making hard boiled eggs

How do you make hard boiled eggs without the green ring and rubbery white? How long should you cook hard boiled eggs? The American Egg board has extensively tested to give us the answer.

Destination your eggs in a single layer in a saucepan or pot. Cover them with cold water so there’s about inch of water above the eggs. Put the pot over a high-heat burner. When the water boils, cover the pot with a tight-fitting lid and remove it from the burner. Let the eggs sit in the hot water. Medium eggs should sit for 12 minutes, large eggs for 15 minutes and extra-large eggs for 18 minutes. Cover the eggs with cold water as soon as their cooking time is up.

Making deviled eggs

Hard boiled eggs can be used in egg salad, chef’s salad, potato salad, deviled eggs, or dyed eggs. You are able to make deviled eggs without the price of the best payday loans — they’re quick, easy, and inexpensive.

To make basic deviled eggs, slice your hard-boiled eggs the long way. Make a paste from the yolks of the eggs and ranch, mayonnaise, or oil and vinegar. Use pickle relish or bacon or chopped herbs to flavor the paste. Fill the egg whites with the paste of yolk, and you’ve got deviled eggs.

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