Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ig Nobel Prizes have been passed out

Severe people who make advances in the sciences with no purpose to them can be given the Ig Nobel Prize. The name is a fantastic pun. The term “ignoble” is the opposite of “noble,” and plays on the name Nobel, as in Alfred Nobel. The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded to winners in nine categories who are deemed to have done research that is useless or utterly ridiculous.

Ig Nobel award winners for this year

All those who won the Ig Nobel Prices deserved it this year. Everyone who discovered something ridiculous got an award from the Guardian. The winners are as follows:

* Under medicine: The University of Amsterdam had Simon Rietveld and Ilja van Beest who made a discovery. Evidently asthma symptoms are often helped with roller coasters.

* Under physics: The University of Otago, New Zealand had Lianne Parkin who found something. Wearing socks over shoes keeps one from slipping on ice.

* Biology: Gareth Jones, from Bristol University, found that fruit bats enjoy sex for purposes other than procreation.

* Peace: Richard Stevens, of Keele University, found that pain is alleviated when people curse.

* Engineering: Remote control helicopters are able to collect whale mucus, based on Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse with others from the Institute of Zoology in London.

* Next is transportation: Scientists like Mark Fricker and Dan Bebber learned something. Oatmeal and slime mold can be used to model the train system.

* Next is management: Alessandro Pluchino, from the University of Catania, found companies can work in a more efficient manner if staff is promoted randomly.

* Public Health: The Maryland Industrial Health and Safety Office had Manuel Barbeito discover something. Apparently microbes are collected in beards often.

* Chemistry category: Oil and water do mix, claims Eric Adams from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology working with British Petroleum.

* Economics category: Bear Stearns executives, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Magnetar and AIG got a joint award. They had some inventive investing that happened.

And what will come after that?

Anyone that came to get their prize is listed on the Ig Nobel prize list on the website. Some of the winners for Ig Nobel 2010 did not show up. Conspicuously, the winners for Economics did not show up.

Articles cited



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