Friday, October 15, 2010

The actual cost of cigarette smoking, by the numbers

Smoking is a relatively expensive and unequivocally dangerous habit, however few people know the true cost of a pack of smokes, accounts the European science blog Lab Spaces. The University of Cartagena (UPCT) reports that when the average pack of smokes costs €3 to €4 (about $ 4.18 to $ 5.57), the average cost beyond the sticker price actually reaches €107 ($ 149) for men and €75 ($ 105) for women per pack. The UPCT came about those latter figures via a cost-benefits path that ought to jolt numerous people into action to regain control of their finances and their lives. Source of article – The true cost of a pack of cigarettes by Personal Money Store.

Dying early is what cigarettes cost you

Angel Lopez Nicolas is a UPCT researcher. She said, “The price one pays for each pack of cigarettes at a newsstand is only a really small price of the true price that smokers pay for their habit.” Tobacco use raises the risk of death in smokers, and there are actual mortality costs associated. The Vale of a Statistical Live (VSL) is exactly what is used as the metric. This metric analyzes what the cost-benefits are. The price that smokers are “prepared to pay in order to reduce their risk of death” annually is €3.78 million, which is about $ 5.26 million, for smokers, compared with €2.91 million, which is about $ 4.05 million, for non-smokers, Lopez Nicolas explains.

Next Lopez explains, “one must not confuse the price of early death with the expense of healthcare. The price of premature passing away is borne by the smokers themselves.” Those costs are huge. Payday loan or short term loans would never help there.

The real cost of smoking

Numerous think that taxes and anti-smoking legislation can be good for individuals who smoke. It may help them control themselves just a little bit more. There’s a study with the UPCT. It weighs the benefits of smoking deterrence and the deficit that comes with “well-being cuts.” The study showed that cigarette smoking was not worth it. The benefits weren’t as good as the loss of well-being consequence.

Information from

Lab Spaces

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