Sunday, November 14, 2010

Wheel of Fortune one letter puzzle answer amazes enthusiasts

Finding the solution to a "Wheel of Fortune" puzzle with one letter uncovered is a challenging task understandably. Only blind luck or an inside job might make such an extremely hard prospect possible. But as 26-year-old contestant Caitlin Burke just lately proved to Pat Sajak, Vanna White and the rest of the world, if one has a "good feeling" about it, the impossible can become possible.

1 letter solution on ‘Wheel of Fortune’ had been amazing

The look on Pat Sajak’s face after Burke pulled the answer to the 27-letter puzzle seemingly out of thin air is priceless. In 1975, the "Wheel of Fortune" game show started. Since then, nobody has been able to do what Burke did. The "Wheel of Fortune" puzzle answer had been clear. "I've got a good feeling about this" had been the answer.

The letter "L" had been present on the board. No other letters were present though. Another contestant had already eliminated the letter "R" as a possible choice.

When Caitlin Burke answered like this, many begun to question the truthfulness of the game. Access Hollywood explains this. The idea is not supported though. No evidence was brought forth.

Was it simply good luck?

The "Wheel of Fortune" one letter solution had been something Burke discussed on the CBS "Early Show" in an interview. The first word had to be a contraction. This led her to believe the letter "I" had to start it. Burke didn't try and think about all the letters that were still missing in the puzzle. This is what she said on the "Early Show". Burke said that she had "years of practice and watching" of the show. This made it easier for her to have a guess that was one half educated and one half luck. She won a Caribbean trip. About $6,500 went into this. She won a ton in money and prizes. Combined, it totaled about $53,618.

Burke decided not to keep spinning for money

Caitlin Burke stopped spinning and many wonder the reason why. Some say that she had been being safe in her bets. Clearly she knows how to work with a puzzle, however she’d already hit "Bankrupt" with a spin earlier within the episode. She decided guessing after getting the "L" had been probably a good idea. Why risk an additional spin?

Articles cited

Access Hollywood

The "Wheel of Fortune" one letter phenomenon

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