Friday, November 12, 2010

Jewish holocaust scam steals $40 million from your worthy

Over $40 million in Jewish Holocaust reparations cash has been stolen from Germany in what authorities are calling an appalling instance of Holocaust scams, accounts NBC New York. The United States Justice Department indicated that thousands of individuals with no right to claim Holocaust reparations funds were given money. Based on the Federal Bureau of Investigation, many people within the Conference On Jewish Material Says were part of a fraudulent inside operation.

Kickbacks aplenty in Holocaust scam

Numerous on the Conference On Jewish Material Claims are getting kickbacks since 1994. These were in exchange for signing a group of 4,000 Russian immigrants in with applications that were submitted. These immigrants claimed they’d lost their homes and possessions throughout the era of Nazi oppression, however such has since been proven not to be the case. There have already been individuals charged in the Holocaust rip-off. In fact, 17 individuals were charged so far.

According to Federal Bureau of Investigation reports, 4,957 bogus Holocaust reparations claims were filed. About $18 million had been taken through these claims when about $25.5 million was lost with an additional 658 Holocaust scams cases.

"It is an affront to human decency," according to chair of the Conference. This is Julius Berman.

What the Holocaust scam people did

Various sources indicate that those who participated in the Jewish Holocaust rip-off took out ads in Russian-language newspapers that claimed they were seeking individuals who could prove they had been alive and were affected by Nazi war crimes. The Federal Bureau of Investigation said that the perpetrators duplicated parts of legitimate applications and used them to create different false applications which were in turn signed off on without question by Conference On Jewish Material Says members on the take.

Where Holocaust rip-off finances came from

Based on NBC New York, the "Hardship Fund" was targeted. The Jewish Holocaust reparations resources were where it came from. About $3,600 was paid to numerous different individuals. Of course, they had to prove that during World War II they had been hiding after losing their homes. Every individual got $21,000 a year if they lived in harsh conditions due to Nazi occupation and policies. They had to prove this though.

Data from

NBC New York–106967768.html

Related: Controversy over "The Holocaust Industry"

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