Healing diabetes is a major field for researchers worldwide, and recent research may have opened the door to healing type-1 diabetes in men. Researchers at Georgetown University took testicular tissue and used it to create insulin-producing cells, accounts the Mail Online. Tests were conducted on diabetic lab mice, however the findings have encouraged researchers that human application might shortly be achievable. However to get this remedy you would possibly have to take out a massive installment loan.
Assumed that men with diabetes might be cured in 5 years
British researchers explained that human application of spermatogonial stem cells as a diabetes remedy is "many years" away in response to the American study. The team for Georgetown feels different. They are more optimistic about it. They say that type 1 diabetes in men and boys can be healed in five years. Regular insulin shots are required as injections to regulate blood sugars in type 1 diabetics. This stem cell application may help life improve a ton.
Keep up with Beta islet cells
Spermatogonial stem cells would normally go on to become male sperm cells, but the Georgetown study converted them into cells that produce insulin via exposure to a variety of vitamins and growth hormone. Beta islet cells like the spermatogonial stem cells that became master stem cells would go to the pancreas and produce insulin. Only about five weeks are needed for the process, based on the American Society of Cell Biology. For about a week, the pancreatic beta islet cells could control blood sugar in diabetic mice. Beta islet cells may be able to work "much longer" based on researchers.
Spermatogonial stem cell prospective
The stem cell technique might be able to go from sperm cells to egg cells. This means diabetes in women would be curable as well. The body wouldn't be able to reject the cells considering the diabetic's own cells would be used to create the beta islet pancreatic cells that would produce insulin.
Articles cited
Daily Mail
Why men really want to end the scourge of diabetes
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