Friday, December 3, 2010

Extraterrestrial life subject of December 2 National Aeronautics and Space Administration press conference

A large finding about extraterrestrial existence will be declared Thursday at a National Aeronautics and Space Administration press conference. National Aeronautics and Space Administration appears to be following Apple’s model of press relations. A mystical event has been declared and the Internet has erupted with forecasts about its nature. The lineup of scientists scheduled to attend offers clues the press conference deals with findings in astrobiology that point to proof of extraterrestrial life.

NASA’s astrobiology discovery

In a statement about the NASA press conference, the space agency said that it will announce an astrobiology finding that will “impact the search for extraterrestrial life.” The list of scientists participating within the press conference was the only other details released. Scientists working on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration astrobiology program include a geologist, an oceanographer, an ecologist and a biologist. A panel discussion can be done by them. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration headquarters in Washington D.C. could be where the press conference is held at two p.m. EST.

Chance of life on Titan

Several think that NASA found Saturn's largest moon, Titan, to have life on it because of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration press conference. An expert on geology for life on Mars is Pamela Conrad who is part of the group of scientists attending. As an oceanographer who’s an expert on photosynthesis and arsenic which exists on Titan, Felisa Wolfe-Simon, can be attending. Stephen Benner is a NASA Biologist. He has written about Earth and Titan having the exact same environment. James Elser is an ecologist with National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s astrobiology program specializing within the chemistry of environments conducive to existence.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s hunt for extraterrestrial life

NASA’s press conference statement comes shortly after several other groundbreaking discoveries within the hunt for extraterrestrial existence. The planet Gliese 581g was found in September within the Goldilocks Zone which is a place where liquid water could possibly be found on the planet. On November 20 National Aeronautics and Space Administration declared the discovery of the 500th planet orbiting distant stars beyond our solar system. There was a huge discovery made by the Kepler Mission earlier this year. It found 156,00 stars with a possible 700 alien worlds in a small section of space.

Articles cited

CBS News

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