”Sesame Street” is known for numerous of its guest appearances, including Perry, that appear on the show, although the Katy Perry “Sesame Street” episode won’t be airing at any time soon. The vocalist filmed a segment, and in that segment she sings a duet with Elmo. Parents did not like seeing what Perry wore in her duet. She sang with Elmo her “Hot and Cold” hit. The clip of the sketch leaked on to YouTube, and worried parents started writing letters and e-mails in protest, leading to the sketch getting pulled.
Perry is a guest star on ‘Sesame Street’
“Sesame Street” and other Jim Henson productions have always featured appearances by celebrities of the day. In the last year, Katy Perry has had hits get a lot of radio and music video on TV airtime because she is so well-liked at the moment. Having Katy Perry on “Sesame Street” just makes sense. She sings “Hot and Cold” with Elmo in one scene of the show. The song was made to be kid friendly as it was changed. Moms and dads weren’t mad about that though.
Mothers and fathers won’t say ‘yes’ to the clothing choice
The clip of Perry singing with Elmo, one of the most popular characters on the show, was leaked out onto video site YouTube. Viewers thought the clip was inappropriate for kids and wrote e-mails and letters right away. The segment of singing with Katy Perry is acceptable, reports MSNBC. The cleavage shown in Perry’s wardrobe is what parents are upset about.
Dropping the segment
In reaction to the outrage from concerned parents, the producers of the show decided to pull the segment. You can nevertheless see the clip on YouTube if you search it. Perry has not commented and neither has her fiancé, Russel Brand, on the subject.
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