Sunday, July 18, 2010

Islamic group puts a hit out for Molly Norris

Molly Norris is the Seattle cartoonist that instigated “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day.” Now an Islamic terrorist group has put a hit out Norris. After a terrorist group made threats against the lives of the creators of South Park for having a character depicting the prophet Mohammad hit the media, Molly Norris created the Facebook themed day of, Everyone Draw Mohammad. Many Islamic individuals took this as a personal insult instead of freedom of speech. Norris pulled the plug and apologized, but that was not enough to stay off the hit list on an Islamic terrorist site..

Norris is marked for death by the orders of Anwar al-Awlaki

Islamic law forbids graphical depictions of Muhammad. Islamic law also says its okay for Muslim assassins to kill you if you draw anything or anybody and label it as Muhammad, even if you are not a Muslim. When Molly Norris launched Everyone Draw Muhammad Day, she drew the ire of radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki–who is marked for death himself by the U.S. government. The New York Daily News reported that a plot from two New Jersey men to kill U.S. soldiers as well as the recent Fort Hood, Texas massacre were implemented by Anwar al-Awlaki Anwar al-Awlaki singled out Norris in a rant published in an Al Qaeda magazine called Inspire, as a “prime target,” saying her “proper abode is hellfire.” The FBI considers Muslim assassins a significant threat, and has warned Norris of the attempt on her life.

Idle threats aren’t often made by al-Awlaki

Molly Norris not only called off the event already, she also issued a public apology to the Islamic people in general. She said the “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day” had spun out of control and become offensive. The site that published her death mark is used to recruit American Muslims for Jihad, and despite her apology they’re still out to slaughter her. Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard has been repeatedly targeted by Muslim assassins for drawing Muhammad. Westergaard and his granddaughter were forced to take shelter in his homes panic room this past February, when a man recruited to be a Jihad tried to kill him with an axe for his depictions.

The mark for death has caused Molly Norris to take up hiding

Norris did post a YouTube video explain why she launched, Everybody Draw Muhammad Day, along with her own cartoon. She indicated the event turned into something different than she intended and tried to get people to cancel is. She later still joked about how making Islamic terrorists mad will make you too scared to eat calling it the, Diet of Fear.

Molly Norris is taking many precautions to protect herself, both by taking down her Facebook account and the content from her personal pages also. Her YouTube video of her explanation for the cartoon has also been “removed by the user.”

More details available at these sites

New York Daily News
AOL News
Washington Post

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