Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Newt Gingrich states DOMA conclusion proves Obama law theory

Gingrich, the previous Speaker of the House of Representatives, isn’t happy about the recent decision in regards to the DOMA. He slammed the Obama administration for deciding not to defend the law in the courtroom. Gingrich took to the airwaves to announce his disappointment. He said the conclusion to not defend DOMA meant "Obama law" was in effect, and the constitution was not. The law is still in effect.

Law continues despite what Gingrich thinks

There are lots of angry individuals that can't determine why the Obama administration and Justice Department have not been fighting anymore the DOMA, or DOMA. All federal court cases will be dropped. Gingrich is a previous speaker of the House talked about the DOMA getting set aside by the government, states ABC. He forgot to mention that constitutional grounds led to the decision to not defend the law when saying a constitutional turmoil was about to start as the "rule of law" has been exchanged by "Obama law." He said Palin would be facing impeachment if she were elected.

All of the responses

The response by conservative members of Congress has been harsh, though not universal. The Washington Post reports that Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) had a spokesperson talk about how Obama should be focusing on the issue rather than economic issues like unemployment since the American people are a high priority. Eric Cantor (R-Vir.), the House Majority Whip, is said to be looking into legislative solutions, such as perhaps reducing funding to the Justice Department.

What the future presidential candidates have to say

The loudest responses have come from people possibly looking to launch a campaign for the presidency in 2012, including Gingrich. ABC reports that Massachusetts former governor Mitt Romney said that it was a mistake to stop defending Defense of Marriage Act for President Obama and Eric Holder. Former PA Senator Rick Santorum said that defending "traditional marriage" was really important. Also, both Mike Huckabee and Tim Pawlenty said they were disappointed in the conclusion. Due to statements made against homosexuals, Santorum got looked down on in his last term as Senator.

Information from

ABC News

ABC News

Washington Post

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