Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Obama activates blackouts, blocks out the sun

Record cool and harsh winter storms have prompted some TX towns to experiment with power-saving blackouts. Is this an indication of the season, or a nefarious plot straight from President Obama, Jones wonders. President Obama theoretically triggers the blackouts of lights, the coal industry, the Internet (via a "kill switch") and the entire post-industrial U.S.

The real account about Obama

The house of cards that is the "Obama triggers blackouts" freak out is situated upon an out-of-context 12-second video clip, report Death + Taxes. Barack Obama was a senator from Illinois. In the clip on Info-wars, he is in these past days. Obama's belief on the proposed cap and trade legislation on carbon emissions was asked about, while also asking how the coal sector would be impacted as greenhouses gases comes from there. The following is taken out of context from the full 2008 conversation which could be viewed on YouTube in what Alex Jones calls the Obama administration's industrial warfare where Sen. Obama claims:

"So, if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can, but it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted."

In case you are to view the full interview, you’ll know what Sen. Obama's true intentions are. He didn't think that coal energy ought to be lost by the U.S. Instead of just spewing carbon emissions into the sky, coal power providers might work harder to try and store and re-purpose carbon emissions which were the theoretical terms he was speaking in. The idea is to motivate change, not attack a sector that provides many thousands of United States careers.

Other rumors that need repairing

You will find no blackouts triggered by the Obama administration while the cap and trade system did not occur. It’s been roundly criticized for not being able to regulate big power companies effectively, so what kind of power does Alex Jones think Obama really has?

There is not any kind of ecological legislation. That means industrial carbon emissions do not even get checked. You will find many scientists upset about this because of the climate change brought on. This includes the giant Midwestern blizzard that just occurred. The Arctic is being warmed by all these gases. That means colder and snowier winters are to be expected for a while.

Information from

Death + Taxes


Environmental Leader


The out-of-context Obama proclamation that would trigger blackouts

The full Obama interview

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